Have you ever been to the USA and walked into a black rifle type gun shop, or… have you seen on youtube or in movies what nice guns shops are like where semi auto rifles are legal?
Well, if you haven’t, go to WAT International on Comption Road In Underwood. Its not a gun shop but it sure as hell looks like it. As you walk in, the wall of blasters that greets you is absolutely stunning. You can stand and stare at the main wall for a good 5 minutes at least without moving an inch, there is so much to see, so many variants of different models that MUST be absorbed by the eyeballs to be appreciated.

WAT International is a family owned and run business that is focused on realism and detail. The current line up is heavily focused on the H&K (Heckler & Koch) and SIG type replica firearms that are fully functioning electric or gas powered gel blasters. There is an extensive range of MP5 type blasters and HK416 m4 type plus the all new SIG MCX range. The details on these models are through the roof, only the absolutely firearm aficionado would be able to pick on the details if at all.

It is very important right now to mention that WAT International is not all H&K and SIG, oh hell no, the range is HUGE and it is mostly all high end super high quality with truly lifelike detail. The main wall had the above-mentioned MP5 range, plus other HKs including the 416s and UMPs. As you look further to the right, you start to see some militaria bolt action rifles, then some more AR15/M4 pattern blasters of different “replica” brandings and designations.

Towards the far right of the display range diverses into the super sexy bolt action platforms, including the ARES gas powered DSR bullpup rifle, followed by some others like my favourite Tavor TAR 21 and other variants of M4.
Price wise, WATs main line of blasters will be mostly in the $450 to $750 price range for the incredible detail products. There are also lower priced models for the entry level user from $200 to $400 including Some M4s, Vectors and AUGs. The higher end of the price range will be for the limited number prodouction models like M110 and the ARES DSR bolt action which is heading toward $1500 for a very unique and limited run sniper setup.

That’s the main wall very very loosely covered. That’s because it’s just the start of it. The main wall is divided up into 3 sectional displays. Segregated with half height walls all lined with parts, accessories or other blasters from floor to waist height. Undoubtedly the best arrangement of accessories and parts I’ve seen on display in Australia for a gelball store. Looking at this selection it is pretty apparent that store and business owner Mr Johnny Wang has some pretty decent connections in supply lines if not direct to the manufacturers for some of the big brands within the airsoft world of which gel blasters are related. A model line up this size would easily match some of the larger airsoft stores around the world. You can literally buy a complete blaster- or 20, or you can buy all the parts needed to piece together a scratch build or 20. There are so many different options of parts from tip to butt that your blaster doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s, it can be pretty much a one off using your choice of parts and pieces.
One of the accessories I want to point out is WAT have been working with parts manufacturers to take airsoft type M4 outer barrels and have them resized to be able to integrate a gelball specific inner barrel mounted hop up. Which is a huge bonus as it allows you to run your dress up parts on the end of the barrel that the hop up does normally have to replace which can definitely change the overall look of the blaster.

To go with your choice of blaster you may want some tactical gear, well you don’t need to go online anymore to get your gear, they have tactical helmets, belts, batte bras, plate carriers and heaps of other cool gear to choose from including decent airsoft brands like Emerson Gear.
To go in your new holster you may need a gas powered gel blaster pistol. Well WAT has you covered there too. A wall section and glass cabinets display a variety of pistols from a few different brands of which im not going to mention as I am under the impression that at the time of writing the new products to be released are still under wraps, so keep your eye on WATS social media for information on coming products.

In my one to one chat with owner operator Johnny, I asked where the inspiration for the business came from, the honest answer was a few years ago he and his one were getting more and more involved in playing gelball, he wanted to buy parts that would add more realism to his blasters but were not locally available and he had a vision that he might be able to do something different to the local stores at the time. Thanks to some existing contacts from his home country of China he was able to set up some unique supply lines that were not yet seen in australia.
Having an eye for detail, realism was the absolutely most important factor to what he set out to achieve, more and more time was spent on sourcing products that met his style and detail which led the line to the more military inspired models that replicated the H&K line, Daniel Defense, Taran Tactical and Geissele models. And here we are WAT International.
To keep ahead of the trend WAT hired an accomplished technical team for repairs and upgrades to all blasters including HPA, the team have a definite focus on making sure that every shipment that comes into WAT has something fresh and new to keep the enthusiast buckling at the knees, of which the recent SIG MCX has certainly achieved and I am sure the ^#%@%$(^%#)%@(%# semi secret models coming soon will also fuel some absolutely HK fanbois fires.
If you are a gelballer or like looking at “guns” that are not guns, and if you haven’t been to WAT International and you live within 500km of Brisbane, then get your arses in there, it is absolutely outstanding, oh and when you do, say Marty from TSI sent you. That way I can get in their good books to maybe score me some sweet discounts for when I go to drain my wallet - which is coming soon, my shopping list has receivers, handguards and butstocks on it, in which order, I really don’t know that comes down to the impulse on the day but more than likely it will be all of the above and more, plus a complete blaster or 3. Yep, this place is down right dangerous for the blaster nut bag like me!!! M
https://www.facebook.com/watinternational https://watint.com.au/ 2 / 126-130 Compton Rd
Underwood, QLD 4114 Australia Phone: +61 7 3416 9779 Email: admin@watint.com.au